Band knives
Band knives for different materials
Band knives: Splitting band knives
For systems used to split leather, cork, textiles and rubber with stringent accuracy requirements. Dimensions ranging from 40 mm to 110 mm in width...
Band knives: Toothed band knives
For systems used to cut harder materials, e.g. foams with higher density. Dimensions ranging from 4 mm to 35 mm in width and from 0.4 mm to 0.6 mm in...
Band knives: Untoothed band knives
For systems used to cut soft materials, e.g. foam and textile. Dimensions ranging from 4 mm to 35 mm in width and from 0.4 mm to 0.6 mm in thickness.
Band knives: Band knives with wave ...
For systems used to cut harder materials with little cutting dust being generated. Dimensions ranging from 10mm to 25mm in width and 0.45mm in...
Band knives: CNC band knives
For systems used to cut contours. Dimensions ranging from 3 mm to 4.5 mm in width and from 0.45 mm to 0.8 mm in thickness.