
Band saw blades for derived timber products

Wood: Narrow band saw blades

Narrow band saw blades
For carpentry companies, cabinet makers and hobby needs. Dimensions ranging from 6 mm to 40 mm in width and from 0.4 mm to 1.0 mm in thickness.

Wood: Mobile band saw blades

Mobile band saw blades
For mobile saw mills and mobile sawing machines attached in a stationary manner. Dimensions ranging from 32 mm to 130 mm in width and from 0.8 mm to...

Wood: Band resaw blades

Band resaw blades
For systems used to slice scantling. Dimensions ranging from 50 mm to 150 mm in width and from 0.9 mm to 1.55 mm in thickness.

Wood: Log band saw blades

Log band saw blades
For systems used to slice logs. Dimensions ranging from 150 mm to 360 mm in width and from 1.47 mm to 2.41 mm in thickness.

Wood: Thin-cutting band saw blades

Thin-cutting band saw blades
For systems used to slice floorboards and parquetry. Dimensions ranging from 50mm to 120mm in width and from 0.7mm to 1.55mm in thickness.